WLF Report - October 2009
This year was a very successful camping season. The total served at your Wisconsin Lions Camp was 1,418. The number of campers was 1,328. Epilepsy campers were 24 and the ADA staff was 66. Our District 27-D1 was 194 campers.
Our net profit from the Birch-Sturm golf outing was a little over $20,000, and the Raffle for Kids was over $36,000.
Deer Hides for Lions Camp is under way again. This year we need a couple of drop-off points again in our District. We would appreciate information from any Lions of someone that would handle this in D1.
The Healthy Halloween Contest is underway again with entry blanks in many businesses, where they can be filled out and sent to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. We hope that all clubs get the posters out.
In the 1st 3 months of this year donations to the WLF have been coming in very good. Some clubs are starting to understand the difference between a donation to the WLF and the Birch-Sturm.
We will be looking at the Open House at the next meeting as it was poorly attended this year.
Workday at Camp will be Oct. 24th . Every club received information on the workday and needs to let the Camp know if you are coming to help.
Director Sam Powell and I will be able to make the zone meetings that we could not make after the 1st cabinet meeting. We also would like to make many more club meetings to put on a program.
WLF Directors
Walt Althaus
Sam Powell